Publications in Academic & Broad Left Journals

Where is Russia hiding its money?

Why EU authorities claim they can not find most of Russia’s foreign assets

Michael Pröbsting

This article has been published online by "LINKS" (Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal) on 16 April 2023


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Is US aid to Ukraine really 'unprecedented'?

New studies destroy the myth propagated by supporters of Western and Russian imperialism

By Michael Pröbsting

This article has been published online by "LINKS" (Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal) on 04 April 2023


 This article has been republished on the website Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières,, as well as on the U.S.-based blog OaklandSocialist,


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“Empire-ism” vs a Marxist analysis of imperialism

Continuing the debate with Argentinian economist Claudio Katz on Great Power rivalry, Russian imperialism and the Ukraine War

By Michael Pröbsting

This article has been published online by "LINKS" (Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal) on 03 March 2023


This essay was republished by Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières,


 The essay has been also published in Swedish language at "",


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Inter-imperialist rivalry: China surpasses the US in robot density

By Michael Pröbsting

This article has been published online by "LINKS" (Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal) on 10 February 2023


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The Gigantic Destruction of the Ukrainian Society

By Michael Pröbsting

This article has been published online by "LINKS" (Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal) on 15 December 2022


This article was also published in the Australian publication "Green Left" (Issue 1372, 16 December 2022),


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Europe and Japan: A Call for Independent Imperialism
On an interesting article by a former Editor of “The Economist”
By Michael Pröbsting
This article has been published online by "LINKS" (Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal) on 10 November 2022


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Did the Chinese Communist Party always consider Taiwan as part of the Chinese nation?

 by Michael Pröbsting 

This article has been published online by "LINKS" (Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal) on 06 October 2022.


 This article has been republished by the Indian radical website People Aur Politics (पीपल और पॉलिटिक्स), This website also translated and published this article in Hindi language,


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Russia: An Imperialist Power or a “Non-Hegemonic Empire in Gestation”?

A reply to the Argentinean economist Claudio Katz

 An Essay (with 8 Tables) by Michael Pröbsting 


This essay has been published online by the US journal “New Politics” on 11 August 2022. 



 See also: Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières,


 The essay has been also published in Spanish language at "Periodistas Unidos",


 The essay has been also published in Portuguese language:


 The essay has been also published in Korean language:


 The essay has been also published in Greek language in "E LA LIBERTA",


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Russian Imperialism and Its Monopolies

By Michael Pröbsting


This article has been published by the US journal “New Politics” in its edition of Winter 2022 (New Politics Vol. XVIII No. 4, Whole Number 72)



This essay has been republished in “International Viewpoint” – the magazine of the Mandelist “Fourth International”: Likewise it has been republished on the website of Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières:

 It has been also published in Spanish language in "Viento Sur",


 It has been also translated into Ukrainian language and published in "СПІЛЬНЕ/COMMONS". It can be read here: "Російський імперіалізм та його монополії", The English-language version of the preface, which was written for this translation, can be read here


 In addition, it has been published in French language in "LES CAHIERS DE L’ANTIDOTE" (« SPÉCIAL UKRAINE », N° 7, 23 MAI 2022),


 It has also been published in Greek language on the website "E La Liberta":


 It has also been published in Swedish language on the website "": 


 Furthermore, it has been also translated into Dutch language and can be read here: "Russisch imperialisme en zijn monopolies",



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South Korea’s Transformation into an Imperialist Power

By Michael Pröbsting


The academic journal INTERNATIONAL CRITICAL THOUGHT (Volume 11, 2021 - Issue 2) has published an essay by Michael Pröbsting on the development of capitalism in South Korea. INTERNATIONAL CRITICAL THOUGHT is a journal published by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). Its Editorial Board includes, among others, Patrick Bond, Alexander V. Buzgalin, Enfu Cheng, Michael Brie, C. P. Chandrasekhar, Heinz Dieterich, Terry Eagleton, Alan Freeman, Rolf Hecker, David Kotz, David McLellan, Leo Panitch (until his death in December 2020), Sean Sayers, Immanuel Wallerstein, Lei Wang, Shaoguang Wang, and Slavoj Žižek. The article is in English language.


Read more at:




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India: A Regional Power With Failed Ambitions


By Michael Pröbsting


The academic journal PROBLEMS IN POLITICAL ECONOMY has in its latest issue (Vol. 4. 2020) published an article by Michael Pröbsting on Indian capitalism. PROBLEMS IN POLITICAL ECONOMY is a journal published in Russia. Its editor is the Marxist academic Aleksandr V. Buzgalin. Its Editorial Board includes a number of Russian left-wing academics as well as non-Russian economists like James Galbraith, Cheng Enfu, David Kotz and David Lane. The article is in English language but there exists also a longer Russian language summary. The journal can be downloaded as a PDF. The article on India begins on page 187.







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Chinese Imperialism and the World Economy


By Michael Pröbsting


 The second edition of The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism contains an essay by Michael Pröbsting. The Encyclopedia has been edited by Immanuel Ness and Zak Cope. It has been published by Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, in 2020.


Read more at;




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Is India a New Emerging Great Power?


By Michael Pröbsting


The academic Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory has in its latest issue (Volume 48, Issue 1, 2020) published an article by Michael Pröbsting on the development and contradictions of Indian capitalism. The journal is published by the Centre for Study of Socialist Theory and Movements at Glasgow University. Its editor is Professor Hillel Ticktin and, among others, Yassamine Mather, Suzi Weissman, István Mészáros, Latief Parker, and Savas Matsas are members of its Editorial Board.


Read more at;




A key issue discussed by observers in world politics is the question if India is becoming a new Great Power. Already six years ago, the British magazine ‘The Economist' asked ‘Can India become a great power?' (30.06.2013). Stratfor- an influential right-wing US geopolitical intelligence company—published an essay last year which deals with the same question (‘India Struggles With Its Strategy for Becoming a Great Power', 23.03.2018). And China's Global Times—the international edition of regime's central organ People's Daily—also discusses ‘India's great power status' (Liu Zongyi: China-India bid can forge united Asia, Global Times, 08.10.2019). There exists even an entry on Wikipedia called ‘India as an emerging superpower'. This question is currently particularly relevant since India has become an important factor in world politics in the recent past—as the catastrophic developments in Kashmir, the tensions at the border with Pakistan and the developments around the US-initiated ‘Indo-Pacific alliance' as well as the China-led RCEP free trade agreement demonstrate. In this essay, we intend to show that India—despite the clear ambitions of its ruling class—has not become an imperialist Great Power and is highly unlikely to become such in the foreseeable future. While it certainly plays an increasing role as a kind of regional or intermediate power, it basically remains a semi-colonial country which does not dominate global economic and political relations. The analysis outlined in this essay is based on several studies on Indian capitalism which the author has published in the last years.




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Great Power Rivalry in the Early Twenty-first Century (Article in the US journal 'New Politics')


By Michael Pröbsting


This article has been written by Michael Pröbsting and was published by the US journal “New Politics” in its edition of summer 2019 (New Politics Vol. XVIII No. 3, Whole Number 67).






One of the most important issues of our time is the intensifying rivalry between the imperialist Great Powers: the United States, China, the EU, Russia, and Japan. Diplomatic rows, sanctions, trade wars, military tensions, and, ultimately, major wars now loom as prominent features of the historic period now unfolding. Trade war between the United States and China, tensions in the South China Sea, sanctions between the West and Russia? The prospect of Great Power rivalry has already become the present.




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Capitalism Today and the Law of Uneven Development: The Marxist Tradition and its Application in the Present Historic Period


by Michael Pröbsting


The academic Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory has in its latest issue (Volume 44, Issue 4, 2016) published an article by Michael Pröbsting on the Law of Uneven Development in the Marxist Tradition and its Application in the Present Historic Period. The journal is published by the Centre for Study of Socialist Theory and Movements at Glasgow University. Its editor is Professor Hillel Ticktin and, among others, Yassamine Mather, Suzi Weissman, István Mészáros, Latief Parker, and Savas Matsas are members of its Editorial Board.


Below we republish the abstract of the article. The article can be read here: 




The world capitalist system has undergone tremendous changes in the past hundred years. One of the most important developments is the globalization of the capitalist world and the accompanying increasing inequality between the classes as well as between the nations. These developments can only be understood in the framework of the Marxist law of uneven and combined development. This approach was first used by Marx, Engels and Lenin and, in particularly, further developed by Trotsky. The law of uneven and combined development explains how different stages of development as well as different tempos of development in a given society interact with one another and thereby result in different forms or types of development.




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Migration and Super-exploitation: Marxist Theory and the Role of Migration in the present Period of Capitalist Decay


By Michael Pröbsting


The academic Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory has in its latest issue (Volume 43, Issue 3-4, 2015) published an article by Michael Pröbsting on migration and super-exploitation. The journal is published by the Centre for Study of Socialist Theory and Movements at Glasgow University. Its editor is Professor Hillel Ticktin and, among others, Yassamine Mather, Suzi Weissman, István Mészáros, Latief Parker, and Savas Matsas are members of its Editorial Board.


Below we republish the abstract of the article. The article can be read here:




Migration is a central issue in most advanced capitalist countries in the Western world. Today migrants represent a significant sector both of the labor forces as well as of the population. Essentially, migration is part of the fundamental process of the super-exploitation of the so-called Third World by imperialist monopoly capital. Just as the monopoly capital extracts surplus profits from the semi-colonial world, there is also an appropriation of extra profits through migration. Imperialist capital draws profit by paying the migrant workers below the value of their labor force in several ways. As a result migrants can be characterized as ‘a nationally oppressed layer of super-exploited labour force.’




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Росія сьогодні: постання великої імперіалістичної потуги. Емпіричний аналіз із марксистської точки зору


Міхаель Прьобстінг


Introduction in English: The following essay on Russia as an emerging imperialist power has been written by Michael Pröbsting, International Secretary of the RCIT. It has been translated by and published in the leftist Ukrainian journal «СПІЛЬНЕ» (COMMONS,, №10: Війна і націоналізм. The whole journal can be read and downloaded as a pdf here: The article can also be read here:




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China’s Emergence as an Imperialist Power (Article in the US journal 'New Politics')


by Michael Pröbsting


Below we link to an article on China’s rise as a great imperialist power. The article, written by Michael Pröbsting, was published by the US journal “New Politics” in its edition of Summer 2014 (Vol:XV-1, Whole #: 57)






One of the most important issues in world politics today is China’s rise as a great imperialist power. Most left-wing writers consider China either as a “socialist country,” a “deformed workers’ state,” or as a “dependent capitalist country” exploited by Western monopolies. As I have elaborated elsewhere, I believe that such analyses, positions, and terminology deriving from Communist, post-Trotskyist, and dependency theorists fail to understand China’s transformation into an imperialist Great Power during the past decade.