Michael Pröbsting: Works on Russian and Chinese Imperialism
For my elaboration of the Marxist theory of imperialism (in English language) I refer to two
Anti-Imperialism in the Age of Great Power Rivalry. The Factors behind the Accelerating
Rivalry between the U.S., China, Russia, EU and Japan. A Critique of the Left’s Analysis and an
Outline of the Marxist Perspective, RCIT Books, Vienna 2019, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/anti-imperialism-in-the-age-of-great-power-rivalry/
The Great Robbery of the South. Continuity and Changes in the Super-Exploitation of the Semi-Colonial World by Monopoly. Capital Consequences for the Marxist Theory of Imperialism, 2013, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/great-robbery-of-the-south/
See also: "Great Power Rivalry in the Early Twenty-first Century," New Politics, Vol. XVIII, No. 3, Whole Number 67, Summer 2021, https://newpol.org/issue_post/great-power-rivalry-in-the-early-twenty-first-century/
Concerning our analysis of Russia as an imperialist power, the most important works are
the following:
"Russian Imperialism and Its Monopolies," New Politics, Vol. XVIII, No. 4, Whole Number 72, Winter 2022, https://newpol.org/issue_post/russian-imperialism-and-its-monopolies/
"The Peculiar Features of Russian Imperialism. A Study of Russia’s Monopolies, Capital Export and Super-Exploitation in the Light of Marxist Theory," 10 August 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/the-peculiar-features-of-russian-imperialism/
"Lenin’s Theory of Imperialism and the Rise of Russia as a Great Power. On the Understanding and Misunderstanding of Today’s Inter-Imperialist Rivalry in the Light of Lenin’s Theory of Imperialism. Another Reply to Our Critics Who Deny Russia’s Imperialist Character," August 2014, http://www.thecommunists.net/theory/imperialism-theory-and-russia/
"Russia as a Great Imperialist Power. The formation of Russian Monopoly Capital and its Empire – A Reply to our Critics," 18 March 2014, http://www.thecommunists.net/theory/imperialist-russia/
"Once Again on Russian Imperialism (Reply to Critics). A rebuttal of a theory which claims that Russia is not an imperialist state but would be rather 'comparable to Brazil and Iran'," 30 March 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/once-again-on-russian-imperialism-reply-to-critics/
"Russia’s Monopolies: An International Comparison. On some interesting data which confirm the
imperialist character of Russia," 21 April 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/russia-s-monopolies-an-international-comparison/
"Putin’s Poodles (Apologies to All Dogs). Putins Pudel. The pro-Russian Stalinist parties and their arguments in the current NATO-Russia Conflict," 9 February 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/nato-russia-conflict-stalinism-as-putin-s-poodles/
My most relevant works on China, in addition to the above-mentioned book “Anti-
Imperialism in the Age of Great Power Rivalry”, are the following:
Chinese Imperialism and the World Economy, an essay published in the second edition of The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism (edited by Immanuel Ness and Zak Cope), Palgrave
Macmillan, Cham, 2020,
China: An Imperialist Power ... Or Not Yet? A Theoretical Question with Very Practical Consequences! 22 January 2022, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/china-imperialist-power-or-not-yet/
China‘s transformation into an imperialist power. A study of the economic, political and military aspects of China as a Great Power (2012), http://www.thecommunists.net/publications/revcom-number-4
"How is it possible that some Marxists still Doubt that China has Become Capitalist? An analysis
of the capitalist character of China’s State-Owned Enterprises and its political consequences," 18
September 2020, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/pts-ft-and-chinese-imperialism-2/
"Unable to See the Wood for the Trees," 13 August 2020, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/pts-ft-and-chinese-imperialism
"China’s Emergence as an Imperialist Power," New Politics,” Summer 2014 (Vol:XV-1, Whole #: 57), https://newpol.org/issue_post/chinas-emergence-imperialist-power/
"Servants of Two Masters. Stalinism and the New Cold War between Imperialist Great Powers in East and West," 10 July 2021, https://www.thecommunists.net/theory/servants-of-two-masters-stalinism-and-new-cold-war/